Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Where can I BBQ in Bristol?

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We’ve had a few warm and sunny days this year, which means that the barbecue season has well and truly begun. While some of you will be lucky enough to have gardens in which you can barbecue (we’re jealous…), others will be flocking to local parks to cook up an outdoor feast in the sun. Luckily, Bristol doesn’t have many rules and regulations when it comes to public barbecue, but there are a few rules you need to stick to…


Where can I BBQ in Bristol?

Obviously private gardens and balconies are absolutely fine – just be considerate of your neighbours, especially if using a charcoal barbecue.

Park-wise, Bristol City Council actively discourage park users from using barbecues in parks and open spaces, as it may cause a nuisance to others. It’s only discouragement, though, rather than an active ban on BBQs in public places – so feel free to go ahead, but be considerate to other park users. If you DO decide to enjoy a barbecue in a public space, then be warned that there are certain places where it is not allowed.

The first of these is Brandon Hill, just off the top of Park Street, where barbecues of any kind are completely banned. The second? The Downs – which, because of local bylaws, forbids barbecues completely. You’ll no doubt still see people cooking away without realising that they shouldn’t be…but park patrols are ever-present in the summer, and anyone they find with a lit BBQ will be asked to extinguish it immediately.

There is one site on the Downs, however, that does allow barbecues – a specially designated BBQ area in a wooded area on the Avon Gorge side of Circular Road, which has around a dozen BBQ points that are available on a first come, first served basis.


Some things to consider when barbecuing…

As previously mentioned, Bristol City Council aren’t big fans of people lighting barbecues in public spaces, but if you do go ahead, they ask that you follow these guidelines…

  • Elevate BBQs (especially disposable ones) off the ground to avoid damaging the grass.
  • BBQs should not be left unattended at any time, and should be extinguished completely after use (it’s worth bringing along a large bottle of water just for this purpose).
  • Hot coals should not be placed in any of the park litter bins.
  • All litter should be removed after the BBQ.
  • Other park users should be respected, especially when it comes to the smoke and smells from your BBQ.

Where possible, it’s also best to make sure you’re as far away as possible from buildings – especially if it’s a hot day and they have their windows open. Filling commercial and residential buildings with smoke and risking setting off smoke alarms probably won’t make you any friends…


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5 thoughts on “Where can I BBQ in Bristol?”
  1. My son will be 10years in August 23 and I want to do barbecue party for him but we leave in the flat where we don’t have garden to do barbecue party. We leave in Kingswood Bristol. We are looking for a place or public place to do my 10year old boy barbecue party for him. Could you please let me know where I can do this barbecue party in kingswood Bristol or Bristol. Thanks

    1. Hi Derek, any park except the Downs should be absolutely fine – as long as you’re careful to avoid scorching the grass and clear litter away – and keep the BBQ away from children’s playgrounds!

  2. Hi. I am looking to organise a staff BBQ, and host a sports day in summer.

    When looking into things I can only find public parks which we are too big for. Or places that also provide food.

    Does anyone know if there is somewhere we can tend a field or private park for a day.


  3. Barbecues are not completely banned in Brandon Hill. There are designated areas. A map is available on the council website.

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