Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Experimental ice cream company creates celebrity Viagra ice cream

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The Arousal - Lick Me I'm Delicious


Sounds like an April Fool’s joke, doesn’t it? The title contains no word of a lie, though – a Bristol-founded company that has become known for its instant ice cream (and for being the creator of the world’s first glow in the dark ice cream) recently created the alternative dessert for one of their A-list celebrity clients.

Charlie Francis, the genius behind company Lick Me I’m Delicious, used a 25mg dose of Viagra in each ball (pun intended), and flavoured the ice cream – named The Arousal – with bubbly champagne.

Says Charlie, “It’s all very secretive, We’ve had to sign a confidentiality agreement so I can’t reveal the name of the client. All I’m allowed to say is it was for a party and that they were very happy with the end result.”

Charlie is the founder of experimental ice cream company Lick Me I’m Delicious. His company have made thousands of flavours of ice cream including beer, fish and chips, roast beef and gold leaf. Last year they made the world’s first glow in the dark ice cream using jellyfish luminescence. They are currently working on creating the world’s first flammable ice cream, and the world’s first invisible ice cream.

Charlie grew up on an ice cream farm in South West Wales and spends his time inventing fantastical food machines and experiments. He recently cooked soup in a washing machine and is currently experimenting with levitating cocktails.


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