Serves 4.
– 4x 6oz salmon fillets
– 8 basil leaves
– 8 sun blaze tomatoes pieces
– 40ml olive oil
– 12 pitted marinated olives
– 400g new potatoes
Salsa verde:
– 10g mixed herbs (mint, rosemary, parsley or basil)
– 60ml olive oil
– 6 marinated anchovy fillets (optional)
– 30g capers
– 5ml white wine vinegar
– 1 clove of garlic
1. Place all the ingredients for the salsa verde into a liquidiser and blend into a smooth paste.
2. Cook the new potatoes until just tender.
3. Pan-fry the salmon ensuring the skin is crisp by only turning the salmon twice during cooking.
4. Shred the basil leaves, chop the sun blaze tomatoes and olives
5. Place the new potatoes into a metal bowl add the basil, sun blaze tomatoes, olives and olive oil, using a fork lightly crush the potatoes and tumble in the olive oil.
6. Spoon the dressed potatoes on the plate.
7. Serve the salmon next to the potatoes.
8. Spoon the salsa verde over the salmon and around the plate.
Recipe submitted by…
The Living Room
Bristol Harbourside